The Wonder Weeks app helps you and your little one

Our mission is to make parents feel confident when taking the biggest leap in their lives: having a baby

Taking a leap

Taking a leap

In our research that led to the 10 mental leaps of a baby, we discovered that all babies are more prone to cry, cling or to be cranky at certain times. A leap may be stressful at times, but it is positive: it gives your baby the opportunity to learn something new.

Our mission is to make parents feel confident when taking the biggest leap in their lives: having a baby! We take a candid look at parenting, shed light on all sides and are there for all parents. We can all help each other and learn from each other.

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What is the due date of your baby?*

Baby leap chart

During our research into mental leaps, we discovered that this phase in which your baby cries more frequently and shows a different behavior than normally, can actually be predicted quite accurately based on the due date. Discover the leaps of your baby on our website, using our baby leap chart.

More about leaps
Leap 1
From week 4, your baby enters leap 1, the world of sensations. The first signals of your baby’s first leap will appear between weeks 4 to 6 after the due date.
More about leap 1
Leap 2
From week 7, your baby enters leap 2: the world of patterns. Your baby could show the first signals of leap 2 between week 7 to week 10 after the due date.
More about leap 2
Leap 3
Around 11 weeks, you may see signs of the next leap approaching: leap 3, the world of smooth transitions. Your baby is acquiring yet another new skill!
More about leap 3
Leap 4
From week 14, leap 4 starts! The first signals of leap 4 will appear between weeks 14 to 20 after the due date. During leap 3, your baby learned to see several smooth transitions, patterns, or sensations without seeing any connection.
More about leap 4
Leap 5
From 22 weeks, your baby enters the world of relationships. Welcome to leap 5! Leap 5 is no small leap. This is a giant leap! Why? This leap enables your baby to perceive the relationships between all the earlier leaps.
More about leap 5
Leap 6
From week 33, the world of categories will be knocking at your door, leap 6. The first signals of leap 6 will appear during weeks 33 to 38. Once your baby can perceive “categories”, they will realize that they can divide the world into groups.
More about leap 6
Leap 7
Around 41 weeks, the world of sequences is just around the corner. Welcome to leap 7! Between 41 and 47 leap 7 will start. While your baby mainly studied things by taking or tearing them apart during the previous leap, they will now be rather “constructive” after this leap.
More about leap 7
Leap 8
Hip, hip, hooray! During this leap, your baby will celebrate its first birthday. Your baby will not only make a leap in their mental development but will also turn from a baby into a toddler!
More about leap 8
Leap 9
Around 59 weeks, you may see signs of the next leap: leap 9. Welcome to the world of principles. If your toddler has taken the leap, you will notice that they are running all kinds of “programs” more smoothly, more naturally and more clearly.
More about leap 9
Leap 10
Around 70 weeks, your toddler is ready for a new leap into the world of systems: leap 10. The last leap, at least the last one we have recorded. In leap 10, you can now observe your toddler becoming aware of systems after making this leap!
More about leap 10

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See how we've helped other parents

Alessandra Xaveria
United States
I love having this app! My daughter has been a little fussy the last couple days and I was going crazy trying to figure out what we’re doing “wrong”. Turns out she’s in the fussy phase of a leap! It’s so helpful knowing more about what she’s experiencing.
Anna Noelle
United States
This app has really helped me understand what is happening with my baby developmentally. It’s given me great exercises to do with my baby to help them during different stages. My son is about 1 leap ahead of where is he is supposed to be and I truly believe it’s because I follow this guide!
United States
The app is so helpful. It provides confirmation around babies behaviors and it’s super comforting when baby is all of a sudden fussy or changes in attitude to be able to look and see it’s a leap! We also love the diary feature and have recorded at least one photo every day since birth! It’s so crazy to look back and see how fast he changes!
United States
This app has been so helpful in understand the developmental milestones that my daughter is experiencing and what I can do to help her be even more successful during the specific leaps.
United Kingdom
So useful! I have the app for over 5 years and used it for both of my kids. Helps me understand them better and give me a good idea of what is happening and what they are going through. Recommending and always will. I don’t have a village to go to ( not even a person actually) and this has helped me so much. There’s activities as well. Amazing!