I can not Verify my account / email, what can I do?
If you make a new account, you will always get a verification mail. In that mail there is a link…
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I can’t update the app
It may be that you still have the old version of the app. In the past, we had a separate…
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Can I share the app with my partner?
When you have purchased the app you can share your subscription and your baby with somebody. This allows someone else…
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How do I back up and/or restore my data in the app?
When you have created an account, everything will be automatically saved within your profile. Your data will only be deleted…
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Only one photo appears in the PDF, even though I have saved multiple photos in my diary. Why is that?
In the diary, there is an option to generate a PDF version of your diary. This is an automatically generated…
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Why is there a character limit of 700/750 characters in the diary?
In the diary, there is an option to generate a PDF version of your diary. This is an automatically generated…
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I accidentally added a text in the diary, how can I delete it?
You can very easily delete something from the diary: Go to the diary, find the story you want to delete.…
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Can I transfer the app to my new device from Apple to Android or vice versa?
It is possible to transfer the data from one platform to another, provided you have created an account. You can…
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How can I activate a promo code?
For iOS, please follow these instructions: https://support.apple.com/en-us/118242 For Android, please follow these instructions: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/3422659?hl=en
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How do I turn on notifications for the leaps?
The app asks permission to be allowed to send notifications. When you press allow, you will receive notifications. Are you…
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How can I cancel my subscription?
When you have chosen the 24-month package, you don’t need to do anything. It will automatically stop after 24 months.…
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Can I get an app refund?
Our policy is that we do not give refunds. There are situations in which we are willing to do this,…
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I experience (technical) problems with the app
If you experience (technical) problems with the app, we would like to hear about it. For this we need the…
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Can I export or save the diary?
It is possible! If you have kept a diary, you can turn it into a nice automatically designed diary. To…
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