Everything you need to know about acne in your baby

All of a sudden, while cuddling your baby, you notice some bumps on his or her face. Pimples? Don’t worry! It’s baby acne and it’s very common. This often occurs within a few weeks after birth. The official name for these pimples is “acne neotnatorum” or “neonatal acne”. But where does it come from? And how can your baby get rid of it? Read all about it in this article. 

How to identify baby acne?

How do you know if what you see on your baby’s skin is really acne? Acne is characterized by various spots, pimples and blackheads on your baby’s skin. These pimples very often occur on the face and especially the cheeks of babies. However, in some cases they also occur on the shoulders and torso. The pimples occur in varying shapes. They come and go over an extensive period of time. Does your baby also have blackheads? Then you know for sure that you are dealing with baby acne.

Is it acne or something else after all?

Are you unsure if the little bumps on your baby face are truly acne? If you want to know for sure, we recommend that you consult your GP. If you see yellow crusts forming around the nose and mouth of your newborn baby, or if blisters are forming, you should in any event see your GP. It could be impetigo. Also, if your baby suddenly presents spots all over his or her body and has had a fever, it is best to consult a doctor. There is a chance that it is exanthema subitum (“sudden rash”).

What causes acne in your baby?

Okay, you know by now that acne doesn’t do any harm. But how do those pimples get there? What causes your baby’s acne? Some people believe that it’s associated with breastfeeding. However, nothing could be further from the truth. These pimples are caused by hormones, but this has already started in the uterus. They are no more than small blockages of the pores due to a build-up of sebum. Most acne develops between 2 to 4 weeks after birth.

When does baby acne go away?

Baby acne goes away on its own. It is therefore very important to leave the skin alone and especially not to squeeze the pimples! This will only damage the skin and it will also not be pleasant for your baby. Furthermore, always use creams and other skin products that are free of perfume and allergens. Usually, the acne disappears within 1 to 3 months. Does your baby have a lot of pimples and are you unsure what to do about them? Then you can of course always discuss this matter with your GP or child health clinic. Would you like to find out how other parents cope with baby acne? Download our app and join the discussion in the forum!

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