Kassie Robson (25), soon to be wife to my soulmate, Aaron (30), and Mum to baby girl Aubrey (3 months). My little family is my happiness. I was made for motherhood.

This week Aubrey hit Leap 4. Heads up, it's rough!
I don’t mean to sound like a show-offy, bias, overachieving parent, but Aubrey had no troubles with the first three leaps. I could see that she was going through the developments and learning new skills. Other than that, she really wasn’t any more fussy than usual. She’s a super chilled baby. My mum friends were all complaining as each leap brought their ‘stormy’ periods – I didn’t really know what they were talking about. I’d just nod along sympathetically.
To be honest, I had stopped worrying about leaps all together by the end of leap 3. The fussy thing just didn’t seem to apply to my beautiful, angelic baby girl.
Then along came leap 4
Oh. My. God. This leap is the real deal. We’re like 2 days in and my super chilled baby is broken. Aubrey is so fussy. She doesn’t know what she wants most of the time. And if she gets overtired? FML.
Aubrey has cried more in the past two days than she has in her whole 12 week long life! She has a really ugly crying face too – it could almost put Kim Kardashian’s to shame! This kid is not my happy baby…
Guess what!? This leap is 35 days long. Send help. This month is brought to you by copious amounts of coffee, chocolate and a box of wine.
Also, for some evil reason, I got my period back four weeks after I stopped bleeding from labor. So, I’m instantly back to my normal cycle – even though I’m exclusively breastfeeding. And my symptoms are so much worse now since I’ve been pregnant. So, I’m extremely PMS-y. I’m so irritable. Add leap 4 to the mix and Aubrey and I are really living up to our Aries reputations. Poor Aaron is in a house full of female tantrums and emotional breakdowns. Sorry babe!
But it's not all doom and gloom
This is the great thing about The Wonder Weeks. It explains the tantrums. When Aubrey puts those cranky pants on – I get it. She’s overwhelmed. She’s learning. It’s difficult for her – it’s confronting and scary and exhausting. The app really shows me how hard it is to be a baby. For that I’m grateful. I can emphasize with Aubrey.
It’s amazing to see how much my little girl is learning every day. The leaps, as described on the app, are super accurate. At the beginning of each leap I read through the summary and all about the new abilities that Aubrey is gaining. I can always see them in her. It’s really cool. The tantrums have purpose. It makes it a little easier to get through each one. I should note that Aubrey is still a happy baby for the majority of the time – it’s just that she has this new emotional side to her that I am getting used to!
If your curiosity has been sparked and you want to know all about the 10 leaps, the fussy phases, and all the accompanying skills, download our app!