After she passed through this fussy phase, I clearly saw that Juna could do a lot more than before. She was suddenly very interested in my hands and studied them intensely.
While she wasn’t keen on in the playpen beforehand, she now had lots of fun in there. With her musical mobile switched on and her dangling toys above her, she would grab them and chat to them all day.
For me, the biggest change was the chatting. She is encouraged by compliments and you see her making an effort to produce different sounds. Sometimes she lets out a little scream and scares herself, while other times her mouth opens wide and she tries to push air out of it. She smiles all day long when you talk to her.
She also seems to have reached the stage where everything goes in her mouth, and this in combination with the waterfalls of dribble resulted in permanently wet tops. Time for a bib!
After this leap, lying down quietly became a thing of the past, as Juna constantly kicks and squirms. And my word, those little legs really pack a punch! Juna is also showing a preference for sitting up, as when I offer my fingers and say ‘one, two, …’, she braces herself and pulls my fingers towards her. With my help, she can sit up and really enjoys being upright!