During the pregnancy, I told my obstetrician that I was extremely concerned about the idea that the birth might have to be artificially induced. Studies show that women are at an increased risk of postpartum depression when their delivery is artificially induced. Prenatal depression also increases the chance of postpartum depression, so in my head I was exposed to a double jeopardy. No way was I going to allow myself to wallow in postpartum depression. As if I had any say in that, but such was my mindset at the time.
My pregnancy has now come full term and I have been striped three times, from 39+6 to 40. Three times turned out to be my lucky charm, because I had already been having mock labor contractions since week 37, but then eventually the final countdown started.
At exactly 41 weeks, our beautiful son Shane was born on November 11, 2023. I ultimately had a very pleasant home birth for which I am extremely grateful. Shane was born within 5.5 hours after my active contractions set in.
When I finally held Shane in my own arms with the help of the obstetrician, I was immediately overwhelmed by relief. Naturally, because I had just given birth, but the moment I saw my son for the first time, it felt so good. The anxiety I had been feeling vanished into thin air. I was no longer afraid of negative feelings for my baby because I was immediately sold when I saw Shane. Day by day, my love for him grew.