How can you increase your fertility?

Do you have a desire to have children? Then it probably hasn’t escaped your notice that it is not evident that you will get pregnant on the first try. This all concerns your cycle, your and your partner’s health, and your hormones.

Did you know that you have about a 20% chance each month of getting pregnant when you and your partner are “healthy” and you make an attempt to get pregnant? Therefore, it’s not surprising that you should take into account that it can take an average of a year for you to get pregnant. What can you and your partner take into account to maximize your chances of getting pregnant?

This is pretty simple. I hear you thinking, pretty simple? Because it can be tremendously frustrating when you get a negative result from your pregnancy test time after time. So let’s start at the beginning and assume that you and your partner have no health issues/limitations. There are 7 components that play a crucial role in this.

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1. Your cycle

A normal regular cycle is the best basis when you are trying to get pregnant. By a normal regular cycle, we mean a cycle preferably varying between 24 and 32 days. A menstruation that lasts under 5 days, with normal bleeding, not too heavy, and moderate pain cramps. You also experience a few mental symptoms just before your period starts.

If you do not experience a regular cycle, get massive bleeding with severe abdominal cramps during your period and/or experience mental symptoms just before your period starts, then it is advisable to address your cycle first. Of course, it is still possible to get pregnant when you experience any of these symptoms. But not only do you increase your chances of getting pregnant with a normal regular cycle, it also has health benefits for your pregnancy and baby.

If you would like to know how to get your cycle as optimal as possible, you can always contact me. I will also cover this in one of the next blogs.

2. Nutrition

Nutrition plays a crucial role in the human body. Unfortunately, in today’s time, it has become increasingly more difficult to consume “healthy” and especially nutritious meals. It is much easier and often cheaper to go for unhealthy foods. Unfortunately, our bodies are also sensitive to sugars and carbohydrates, so our craving for these is much higher than for healthy food.

Yet, fortunately, you see more and more awareness about our eating patterns. Eating healthier is not only important for a “slim” body, but it is also especially good for supporting our health and well-being. For all your cells and thus organs to function as optimally as possible, they need an awful lot of nutrients, which are the fuel for all cells. And we do not find these nutrients in a one-sided diet, or in takeaway meals.

Therefore, it is important to make sure you eat 3 NUTRISIOUS meals a day. Make sure the meals contain plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and kernels. Make sure to eat organic foods. Eat a variety of foods, avoid sugars and fast carbs, and drink plenty of water. Also, try to eat as few snacks as possible in between meals. If you eat snacks with regularity throughout the day, your body is constantly “on” and will have little time to recover and it becomes more difficult to get toxins out of the body.

3. Exercising 

Anyone who exercises regularly will agree with me that exercise energizes. In fact, by exercising consistently and getting your body moving, you activate your cells and allow them to better absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins. In particular, strength training is very important to your fertility. This all has to do with the production of testosterone. The hormone that is indispensable in the male AND female body when trying to get pregnant. I will talk more about this later.

4. Lifestyle

What does your daily lifestyle look like? Do you work irregularly? Do you take enough rest? Do you often go out and do fun things with friends? Do you have nice family around you? Do you smoke? Do you drink alcohol excessively? These are all questions that directly affect your hormone status and thus your fertility.

Everyone knows that smoking and drinking too much alcohol is unhealthy. But also too little sleep, irregularities in your life, lack of enjoyable moments, and nice people around you affect your hormones. Therefore, make sure you have nice people around you that make you happy. Often, these loved ones/friendships can be counted on 1 hand, and that is exactly right. Value your family and friends around you and make time for them to make beautiful memories with them.

In addition, don’t forget to get plenty of rest. An average of 8 hours of sleep a day is necessary for your body to recover from all the influences and toxins during the day. If it’s possible with your work, it is actually good for you to live with regularity. For example, if you are a morning person, go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning. 

5. Mindset  

Your mindset is almost half the battle. Your body is controlled by your brain. Are you not feeling well? Are you stressed? Do you think you can’t do something? Then you will often find yourself attracting the negative. Believing in yourself and (in this situation) in your body, activates all the “positive” hormones. Your endorphin system is turned on, allowing your body to function better and therefore healthier.

Are you and your partner trying to get pregnant for some time now? Try to keep the faith. I didn’t start this blog off with the information that everyone has about a 20% chance per month of getting pregnant (when the body is “healthy” and both live “healthy” lives) for nothing. Would you buy a lottery ticket if you have a 20% chance of hitting your jackpot? I WOULD! The chance of winning it once within 2 years is pretty high, right?

6. Additional supplements

Just consuming a varied diet is unfortunately no longer enough to get all the important vitamins and minerals your body needs to function at its best. An enormous amount has changed in our current agriculture in recent times. As a result, our food no longer contains as many vitamins and minerals as it did decades ago. Unfortunately, this is not conducive to the quality of our food and even has a negative effect on our health. Because of this, there is no getting away from supplementing your diet with the right food supplements these days. There are currently several nutritional supplements on the market.  But there are only a few that are really “good” and do have an effect on your cell function. 

Therefore, pay close attention to which nutritional supplements you purchase. The right combination of vitamins and minerals also plays a crucial role. More on this later! So stay tuned….

7. The act itself

Not to mention, of course, the act itself! When you have intercourse affects the chances of fertilization. Having sex every day is not conducive to sperm quality. It is therefore good to visualize and recognize your cycle, so you know approximately when you will ovulate. Make sure the act is enjoyable and romantic. Don’t make it a “must” with the pressure on getting pregnant. The more you are focused your mind on that, the less your body will adjust to let the sperm swim through the thick mucous membrane in the vagina and uterus.

When the time comes to attempt getting pregnant during your ovulation, make it a romantic evening. Light candles, buy new lingerie, take a hot bath/shower together beforehand and make it a nice moment together.

So all of these components directly affect your hormones. As long as your hormones are not in balance, your body may be preventing fertilization from taking place OR preventing a pregnancy from developing.

Do you and your partner have the desire to get pregnant and would you like additional guidance? Or more specific advice about your fertility? If so, please feel free to contact me.


Jacqueline Steenbeek

Written by:

Jacqueline Steenbeek

Jacqueline, besides being a mom of two beautiful children, is also a midwife, hormone therapist, and owner of 2D-3D/4D ultrasound practice Baby Glimpse in Laren, Netherlands. In her blogs, you will find everything about hormones, mindset and pregnancy!

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