Your complete pregnancy guide to every week of your pregnancy. Choose your week and read detailed informations about your pregnancy. In this post will get a resume for our Pregnancy Week by Week.
Pregnancy Guide: Week 1
Not really pregnant yet
The first week of your pregnancy is very special. And that’s because even though you are not technically pregnant you still count this week as week 1! We start counting from now because you can’t predict the exact day you conceived. But we do know that you are most fertile in the middle of your cycle when ovulation takes place.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 1
Pregnancy Guide: Week 2
The egg is fertilized!
Women with a regular four-week cycle ovulate at the end of this week. You have two fine tubes, called fallopian tubes, leading from the ovaries and the eggs cells are at the end of these fallopian tubes. Every month an egg cell ripens. When it ripens, the egg cell ‘erupts’ from the fallopian tube, which is called ovulation.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 2
Pregnancy Guide: Week 3
The first signs
You may already be noticing the effect hormones are having on your body and mood. It’s all very natural. From the moment the egg cell is fertilized, your body sets to work creating a safe place in the womb for baby to grow. You will start noticing some of those ailments already. Please note: not everyone experiences these discomforts!
Read more about Pregnancy Week 3
Pregnancy Guide: Week 4
The little one is in your belly
At fertilization, the egg cell and sperm cells melted together and since then they have divided numerous times: two cells became four, four became eight, eight became sixteen. So, by now there is a clump of cells. Something particularly special occurs around the 25th day.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 4
Pregnancy Guide: Week 5
Pregnancy ailments: nausea and tiredness
If you were able to see inside your belly, you would be really surprised with everything that is going on! Not only is your womb developing into a safe place for baby to grow, but your belly baby is also developing rapidly. In a few weeks there has been a veritable transformation.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 5
Pregnancy Guide: Week 6
Your baby’s heart is beating!
If you could listen to what is going on inside you, you would be able hear the heart! From this week on your baby’s heart is beating and baby has primitive blood circulation. That does not mean that your baby’s heart is pumping blood around its body; it’s still too early for that.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 6
Pregnancy Guide: Week 7
Your womb makes room for baby
You may only be seven weeks pregnant but you baby is growing dramatically. Only a few weeks ago, baby looked like a tadpole but baby now has upper lips! Baby’s whole face is starting to form and it will become more defined in the time ahead.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 7
Pregnancy Guide: Week 8
Frequent surprise visits from the Sandman
This week your baby will devote more attention to developing the bones. Baby already had a skeleton of flexible bones, but this week the bones start ossifying.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 8
Pregnancy Guide: Week 9
Your breasts prepare for breastfeeding
Your baby is busy strengthening and refining the bones in their body. You can see the results in baby’s face. The proportions and refinement of the facial bone structure has turned them into a super cute baby.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 9
Pregnancy Guide: Week 10
Take supplements for pregnant women
The skull, the bones around baby’s head, are not so ossified that they have become white. They are still fairly transparent so the brain is visible through the skull!
Read more about Pregnancy Week 10
Pregnancy Guide: Week 11
You can feel your womb
Your baby has now completed the first significant stage in their development. During the first ten weeks, the basis for everything has been laid. In fact, you actually have a complete mini-person in your belly.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 11
Pregnancy Guide: Week 12
You can hear the heart beating
If you could see inside your belly, you would be able to tell whether you are having a son or daughter! Your baby’s gender was of course set at conception but this week, the external sexual organs are visible.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 12
Pregnancy Guide: Week 13
Your body is used to being pregnant
Your baby is now 2.91 inches and weighs 0.81 ounces. Baby is already a complete person. At the end of this week, baby will have everything that they need inside and out, though of course your baby is still too small to be born.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 13
Pregnancy Guide: Week 14
The fingers and toes take shape
This week, the placenta takes over the job of the yolk sac. The placenta provides your baby with nutrition and oxygen. The things you eat and drink pass into your blood and then through your blood to the placenta and therefore to your baby.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 14
Pregnancy Guide: Week 15
Your baby bump is now a fetus
Up until now, your belly baby was officially called an ‘embryo’, which is the medical term for your little miracle. From this week, the official name is ‘fetus’, which is Latin for ‘child’.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 15
Pregnancy Guide: Week 16
HCG makes way for the hormone progesterone
Your baby is and continues to be busy with the biggest growth spurt of their life. Baby is now 4.57 inches long and weighs 3.53 ounces. Baby’s whole body no longer fits entirely on the image of an ultrasound!
Read more about Pregnancy Week 16
Pregnancy Guide: Week 17
You can do sport, but avoid stomach exercises
The outside of baby’s body is growing like a weed but inside everything is growing and developing at a rapid rate, too. In baby’s stomach and torso, many organs work already.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 17
Pregnancy Guide: Week 18
Your body is becoming rounder
A few weeks ago, you read that your baby opened their mouth occasionally and carefully started practicing swallowing. Baby still didn’t swallow properly, but baby does now! Baby will occasionally swallow some amniotic fluid.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 18
Pregnancy Guide: Week 19
Heartburn? Eat healthy snacks
If you were able to take a peek in your belly, you’d see a very wrinkly baby. This is because no subcutaneous tissue has formed. That tissue is responsible for a nice smooth skin. What Causes Heartburn?
Read more about Pregnancy Week 19
Pregnancy Guide: Week 20
Can you feel your baby?
Your now 6.46 inches long baby has real nails at this point. Although, they are not quite the same as ours nails yet. They are much softer and comparable to thin membranes.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 20
Pregnancy Guide: Week 21
Your baby can hear
From this week, your baby can hear! They of course don’t hear things in the same way as we do, but from now, they can hear daily sounds much better and baby starts getting used to these sounds.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 21
Pregnancy Guide: Week 22
No need to eat for two
Your baby is growing like a weed! So well in fact, you can probably feel baby more often and better. It’s a wonderful feeling. Place your hand on your belly when you feel baby move and take a moment to enjoy the miracle growing inside of you.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 22
Pregnancy Guide: Week 23
Your baby is as long as a ruler!
By now your baby is the size of a ruler. Baby now measures (on average) 11.38 inches and weighs about the same as a pack of sugar, so around 1.10 pounds. Their body is not only growing in size but also in strength.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 23
Pregnancy Guide: Week 24
Avoid stress and get plenty of rest
Your baby is getting more beautiful by the day. Baby already has eyelashes and very fine eyebrows and the neck is now free from the torso. A big difference between your baby in this week and in the later weeks of the pregnancy is baby’s ‘chubbiness’.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 24
Pregnancy Guide: Week 25
Your baby has a different sleeping and waking rhythm
From this week your baby has a sleeping and waking rhythm. That means that baby has a specific, reasonably regular pattern of sleeping and waking. Unfortunately, the pattern doesn’t match your rhythm. They are almost opposite!
Read more about Pregnancy Week 25
Pregnancy Guide: Week 26
Watch your posture!
You will surely recall that first cute, subtle little kick you felt. You were so happy. That lovely, gentle little kick is now quite a hefty kick. If your baby gives a good kick with their leg, you will feel it.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 26
Pregnancy Guide: Week 27
Your belly baby is aware of sounds
For a few weeks now, your baby has been able to hear the sounds they hear around them. They now start learning to discern those sounds better. Baby will even prefer certain sounds over others and will like lower tones more because they reverberate better in the belly.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 27
Pregnancy Guide: Week 28
More frequent visits to the midwife
If your baby were to be born now they would have good chance of survival, but only with the help of medical care. Your baby is now 14.8 inches and weighs 2.22 pounds.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 28
Pregnancy Guide: Week 29
Starting to nest
After this week, your baby will look less wrinkly as baby is now forming the subcutaneous tissue. In order to protect their newly-acquired smooth skin against continual exposure to the amniotic fluid, baby will produce a substance that will cover the skin.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 29
Pregnancy Guide: Week 30
Lower back and pelvic discomfort
Your baby is now 15.71 inches and weighs 2.91 pounds. Baby is active in your belly. For instance, baby may be sucking their thumb. And with some babies you can see the results of that after birth.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 30
Pregnancy Guide: Week 31
You are sensitive and emotional
Your baby is now 16.18 inches and weighs 3.31 pounds. Baby is starting their final major growth spurt before birth.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 31
Pregnancy Guide: Week 32
Your dreams are intense
Your baby is now 16.69 inches long and weighs 3.75 pounds. Baby keeps on growing every day you are pregnant. If baby were to be born next week they would probably be fine without any medical intervention.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 32
Pregnancy Guide: Week 33
Are you nesting?
This week your baby is 17.2 inches and weighs around 4.23 pounds. If your baby were to be born now, the delivery would probably take place in a hospital with your OB GYN, but a premature birth now shouldn’t have any major consequences,
Read more about Pregnancy Week 33
Pregnancy Guide: Week 34
Maternity leave!
Your baby is now 17.72 inches long and weighs about 4.73 pounds. Baby is now starting the final growth spurt. Your baby’s eyes now function very well and they can distinguish between light and dark.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 34
Pregnancy Guide: Week 35
Has your baby’s head engaged?
Your baby is now completely ‘finished’ and is growing very fast. Baby is now about 18-19 inches and weighs about 5.25 pounds. The only organ that baby is still busy developing is the brain.
Read more about Pregnancy Week 35
Pregnancy Guide: Week 36
Discharge or amniotic fluid?
Your baby was already ‘finished’ but from now, baby will mainly gain body fat. Baby is now 18.66 inches long and weighs about 5.78 pounds. Amniotic fluid also has a sweetish odor. You know what to do when you lose amniotic fluid: call the midwife!
Read more about Pregnancy Week 36
Pregnancy Guide: Weeks 37-41
Your baby can be born…!
Many people ask why we base a baby’s mental development on the due date and not on the date a baby is actually born. The reason is that the brain grows at a set pace, whether your baby is born now or is in the belly.
Read more about Pregnancy Weeks 37-41