15 months old: Setting boundaries

Whining and squealing to get one’s way. Childish behavior, such as constantly needing to be amused, and always wanting their pacifier. Being careless and hurting another on purpose. You may wonder if you are the only one who is done with this kind of behavior.

Of course not. Your toddler is no longer a baby. Now is the time to start setting boundaries. Your toddler needs it. He is looking for boundaries.

15 months old: Setting boundaries - The Wonder Weeks

Entitled to rules

Once he has entered the world of principles (leap 9), your toddler is going to discover all his new skills and abilities. Did you know that in our app you can not only check off all the skills of the leap, but also keep track of them in your personal diary?

Your toddler goes on adventures and he needs rules. He varies endlessly to learn them. Just as he is hungry and entitled to daily food, he is also entitled to rules. And most rules he can only discover by being handed them by you, especially when it comes to social rules. You must make it clear to him what he can and can’t do. In doing so, you are really not doing him any harm. On the contrary, you owe it to him. And who better to teach him than someone who loves him?

Education and socialization

Concepts at the level of systems and principles are formed more easily than they can be changed later. Children pick them up from their environment and take them over. Sometimes adults emphasize certain principles and systemic concepts. Then there is explicit socialization and education.

Standards and values

Of course, your toddler is just starting out. His world is still very small and close to home. It will be many years after childhood before he has developed something that we adults call a worldview or an outlook on life. But the very beginning is there. However tender this beginning is, it is important and has far-reaching consequences. Among other things, this is where the formation of conscience and the teaching of values and standards begins. If this does not go well from here, it will be noticeable a few years later.

Of course, the importance of this very beginning also applies to all those other departments in the world of systems. Whether your little one loves music, enjoys building, chatting, playing with physics or exercising control over his own body: give his up-and-coming talents a chance. You’ll be amazed at the fun you can have together.

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