The Wonder Weeks F.A.Q.

What do the symbols and colors in the leap chart mean?

Last edited on 24 June 2024 8:25

Yellow bar/dark gray bar: This represents the fussy phase of the leap. During this period, you baby may be showing Crying, Clinginess, and Crankiness (the three Cs) . The fussy phase does not have to last the entire duration of the bar. It varies for each leap.

Thundercloud: During this week your baby is most likely to experience the fussy phase.

Green bar/light gray bar: This represents the skills phase of the leap. During this period, your baby is most likely to demonstrate the new skills of the leap.

Sunshine: During this week, your baby is most likely to be the sunshine in the house.

Pink bar/mid-gray bar: It will seem like your baby is in a fussy phase, but it is the working out of a new skill about distances between 2 objects. Your baby has simply discovered that someone can walk away and leave him/her behind. And that’s a little scary.

This explanation can also be found with the Leap Charts in the book and in the app.

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