Baby leap calculator ( { }

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Baby Leap Calculator

Baby Leap Calculator

Your baby goes through 10 different leaps during the first 20 months of its life. Leap 1 begins when your baby is between 4 and 6 weeks old. During a leap, your baby’s mental development changes drastically and that affects your baby’s behavior. Be prepared and use our baby leap calculator!

Baby leap calculator and our app

Baby leap calculator and our app

During a leap, you will notice that your child is more prone to cry, to be clingy and cranky – in short, your baby is less like its usual self for a while. Parents may sometimes experience this time as stressful, but a leap is something positive: it gives your child the opportunity to learn something new! With the baby leap calculator you can determine the leap your child is in at that moment.
Do you always want to be prepared when a leap starts? Download our app and always get an automatic notification when you child starts with a leap!