Every baby develops at their own pace, but what are the milestones in a baby’s speech and language development?
A baby learns a lot in the first year of life: looking, listening, pointing, grasping, rolling, crawling, and maybe even walking. The order in which children learn all of these milestones is very different. Babies have specific preferences. One child is early with listening, another with rolling over. If a child is ‘late’ with walking, sometimes he or she can be very early with speech development. Don’t be too quick to think that your child is just “sitting around doing nothing”: he/she is very busy mapping out the whole world.
Your baby develops speech and language at his/her own pace, as well as physical and mental development. Did you know that “The Wonder Weeks” app describes the (mental) development of your baby in the first 20 months of his/her life? It’s full of valuable tips and insights!