
Baby Gender Predictor

What is the due date for your baby?

Did you live together with the father of the baby when you got pregnant?

How often did you have sex in the month that you got pregnant?

Are you (the mother-to-be) over 35 years old?

Is the father of the baby over 40 years old?

Did you experience stress during your pregnancy?

Did you eat a proper breakfast that included grains in the month that you got pregnant?

Did you experience severe morning sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum) during the pregnancy?

Did you try to lose weight or watch your weight in the months previous to conception?

Did you or your partner smoke during the period of conception?

Did you eat spicy food or eat a lot of salt in the months previous to conception?

Does the future dad wear tight boxer shorts?

Almost there! What is your email?


Gender predictor

Gender predictor

You are pregnant, congratulations! Discovering the gender of your baby is often an exciting moment in pregnancy. More than half of pregnant women want to know the gender of their baby in advance. From about 16 weeks, the gender is clearly visible on an ultrasound, but with our test you can get an inkling of whether you are carrying a boy or a girl already now. This gender predictor is based on worldwide scientific research, but needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. Not all outcomes count equally when determining gender. What is your test result?

Use our baby gender predictor or…

Use our baby gender predictor or…

Gender determination is not officially part of prenatal ultrasound examination. Nevertheless, if you so wish, the sonographer will often reveal the gender during the 20-week ultrasound. If the gender is not clearly visible at that time, the sonographer will not perform any further examination of the gender. If you do not want to know the gender of your baby please tell the sonographer in advance so that they can accommodate your request.

Determining the gender

Determining the gender

Around 16 weeks, the gender of your baby can be determined with reasonable certainty by means of an ultrasound. The baby is then about 15 cm long and weighs 100 grams. It is the first time that your baby can no longer be seen in its entirety on the ultrasound! The gender is not always clearly visible, because sometimes your baby may be lying in an unfavorable position or have its legs in front of the genitals.

Determine the gender with our gender predictor

Or schedule a scan-for-fun!

Nowadays, you don’t have to wait for the 20-week ultrasound if you want to know your baby’s gender. You can schedule a scan-for-fun ultrasound for around the time when the gender can be specifically examined. Nowadays, scan-for-fun ultrasounds can be taken as early as 13 weeks., but an ultrasound at this time is less reliable than one taken at the time when the genital organ is properly developed. This is from about week 16.


How is the gender of a baby determined?

Of course you can use our gender predictor to predict the gender of your baby. But, if you want a fairly certain verdict, you can have it determined during an ultrasound.

The gender of a baby is already determined at the moment of fertilization. It depends on the male sperm cell that fertilizes the female egg cell. Male sperm cells contain either a Y chromosome or an X chromosome. The X stands for a girl and the Y stands for a boy. A female egg contains the X chromosome by default; thus, if it is fertilized by a sperm cell with an X chromosome, it becomes a girl. If the egg is fertilized with a sperm cell with a Y chromosome, it grows into a boy.

Did you know that sperm cells with a Y chromosome (boy) swim faster than sperm cells with an X chromosome (girl)? On the other hand, these sperm cells die faster than the sperm cells with the X chromosome.


Baby gender predictor: old wives’ tales

It’s not yet time for an ultrasound but you are super curious about the gender of your baby? Here are some traditional myths on how to predict the gender of an unborn baby. We don’t know how reliable they are, but it is always fun to speculate!

If you “suffer” from any of the following during your pregnancy, you will have a boy:

  • Your body hair is growing faster
  • Your skin is drier than usual
  • Your hair is much fuller
  • You have a craving for mostly savory things during pregnancy
  • You have more headaches
  • Your right breast is growing faster than your left one
  • You are more likely to suffer from cold feet
  • You have a low pregnancy belly

If you “suffer from any of the following during your pregnancy, you will have a girl:

  • You develop an oily skin and pimples
  • You gain weight everywhere on your body, not just at your belly
  • Your hair becomes thin and lanky
  • You have a craving for mostly sweet things during your pregnancy
  • Your feet don’t grow during your pregnancy
  • You often fall asleep on your right side
  • Your left breast is growing faster than your right one
  • You have a high pregnancy belly