The world of sequences

Leap 7

Around 41 weeks, the world of sequences is just around the corner. Welcome to leap 7! Between 41 and 47 leap 7 will start. While your baby mainly studied things by taking or tearing them apart during the previous leap, they will now be rather “constructive” after this leap – and will begin to assemble or “connect” things. Experience the world of sequences together with your baby! Learn everything you need to know about leap 7 in The Wonder Weeks app.

The fussy phase of leap 7

The fussy phase of leap 7

The first signals of leap 7 will become apparent around 41 weeks. You will find that your baby is more inclined to cry, cling and be cranky than you would normally expect them to be. Just as during the previous leap, you will now also notice that your baby is shy, does not want to break body contact with you and wants to be more entertained. Also typical of leap 7 is that your baby may sleep less than usuals and may also suffer more often from nightmares. Did you know that you can find countless signals in our app to help you recognize the fussy phase of a leap?

The skills phase of leap 7

The skills phase of leap 7

The fussy phase of leap 7 ends around 46 weeks and the fun phase of the leap begins: the skills phase! Once the ability to perceive and perform “sequences” breaks through, your baby will suddenly be able to do much more. Your baby is about to realize that they always have to perform every action in a certain order.

The skills of leap 7

Your baby knows what he’s doing!

Your baby will now begin to look at which things go together and how they fit into each other. So they will try to push them into, next to or on top of each other. Your baby will be more “purposeful” than ever. They know what they’re doing!

Your baby will now also identify and “name” different people, animals or things one after the other. While your baby is not yet able to use literal words, they can “name” things, for example, by saying “da”. If you are doing this activity with your baby, they may point to things and want you to name something. In our app, you will find countless games to boost your baby’s new skills during this leap.

Discovering leap 7

In the world of sequences, your baby learns to recognize and control the flow of events and relationships. Eating porridge with a spoon, for example, means grabbing the spoon, putting the spoon in the porridge, scooping up some porridge on the spoon, moving the spoon to your head and putting it in your mouth (and ideally not into your eye).

TIP: if you let your baby get away with it, they’re going to create an unholy mess. But some protective sheet under the highchair and a lot of patience will prove to be worthwhile investments that pay off time and time again.


Discover your baby’s personality in leap 7

During the skills phase babies are either focussing on their movement skills or they will focus on their language skills. Every baby is unique and will develop in his own way. The fun part about this is that it tells you something about your baby’s character now, and in the future! Our app lets you track all the skills your baby is developing per leap, but it also provides you with more than 77 fun games to play with your baby to help stimulate those new abilities.

Baby leap chart

During our research into mental leaps, we discovered that this phase in which your baby cries more frequently and shows a different behavior than normally, can actually be predicted quite accurately based on the due date. Discover the leaps of your baby on our website, using our baby leap chart.

More about leaps
Leap 1
From week 4, your baby enters leap 1, the world of sensations. The first signals of your baby’s first leap will appear between weeks 4 to 6 after the due date.
More about leap 1
Leap 2
From week 7, your baby enters leap 2: the world of patterns. Your baby could show the first signals of leap 2 between week 7 to week 10 after the due date.
More about leap 2
Leap 3
Around 11 weeks, you may see signs of the next leap approaching: leap 3, the world of smooth transitions. Your baby is acquiring yet another new skill!
More about leap 3
Leap 4
From week 14, leap 4 starts! The first signals of leap 4 will appear between weeks 14 to 20 after the due date. During leap 3, your baby learned to see several smooth transitions, patterns, or sensations without seeing any connection.
More about leap 4
Leap 5
From 22 weeks, your baby enters the world of relationships. Welcome to leap 5! Leap 5 is no small leap. This is a giant leap! Why? This leap enables your baby to perceive the relationships between all the earlier leaps.
More about leap 5
Leap 6
From week 33, the world of categories will be knocking at your door, leap 6. The first signals of leap 6 will appear during weeks 33 to 38. Once your baby can perceive “categories”, they will realize that they can divide the world into groups.
More about leap 6
Leap 7
(You are here)
Around 41 weeks, the world of sequences is just around the corner. Welcome to leap 7! Between 41 and 47 leap 7 will start. While your baby mainly studied things by taking or tearing them apart during the previous leap, they will now be rather “constructive” after this leap.
More about leap 7
Leap 8
Hip, hip, hooray! During this leap, your baby will celebrate its first birthday. Your baby will not only make a leap in their mental development but will also turn form a baby into a toddler!
More about leap 8
Leap 9
Around 59 weeks, you may see signs of the next leap: leap 9. Welcome to the world of principles. If your toddler has taken the leap, you will notice that they are running all kinds of “programs” more smoothly, more naturally and more clearly.
More about leap 9
Leap 10
Around 70 weeks, your toddler is ready for a new leap into the world of systems: leap 10. The last leap, at least the last one we have recorded. In leap 10, you can now observe your toddler becoming aware of systems after making this leap!
More about leap 10