Your baby during the third trimester of pregnancy
At the start of the third trimester, your baby will open its eyes and before long, it will start blinking. Your baby will start to act more and more like a ‘real’ baby: funny faces, hiccupping, arms and legs in all directions and finger sucking. Your baby is active and you can feel it! Just when you thought you were going to relax on the sofa, your baby starts moving around.
Your baby’s senses are now functioning properly and his or her brain is developing rapidly. A baby’s brain also continues to develop after birth. By the end of the third trimester, your baby’s liver and kidneys are fully developed and the lungs are prepared to breathe air.
At the end of pregnancy, there is little room left in the uterus, which is starting to become a little too small for your baby. Your baby will then find the position that is most comfortable. For most babies, this is with the head downwards, which is also an important position for delivery. But, of course, there are always babies who do things differently and keep their head upwards or even lie horizontally in the uterus.
Pregnancy discomforts during the third trimester
You may also experience different discomforts during the third trimester. The severity of these symptoms is different for every woman. The most common discomforts during the third trimester are:
- Shortness of breath
As your uterus grows, it starts to sit higher in your abdomen and presses against your diaphragm. This makes breathing more difficult. It helps to sit and stand upright to give your lungs more room to expand. The good news is that once your baby drops, you will probably have more room to breathe and less of a problem with shortness of breath.