It sounds ironical but a baby is just like a human. Every person thrives with a safe, loving and secure basis. This is, however, still underestimated when it comes to babies. Empty statements such as: “Ach, they won’t remember any of this later anyway,” or “they don’t understand me so I can joke about them all I want,” are all too common.
A baby’s brain is extremely receptive to love, even more so than adult’s. Love is a kind of basic vitamin they can’t live without. Love literally affects the physical growth of the brain.
Research has shown that the interaction between parents and babies causes certain neurochemical reactions. Consider each smile, look, kiss gesture; they all directly affect your baby’s brain. These neurochemical reactions then influence the connections babies’ produce in the neurons, the brain cells. In turn, these connections are responsible for the secure attachment bonds between parents and child, among other things.
Even though people can remember nothing of their babyhood, the consequences of the love a child receives during babyhood affects them throughout their entire life. So, don’t hold back: cuddle, talk, laugh, look at each other, caress them, and smile. All these wonderful things feed the brain!