Leap 6: He was wide awake at night during this entire leap!

Yentl (27), very happily married to Thijs (30) and proud mom of sweet Jaxx.

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I didn't know that it could get any worse

Okay, this may sound very dramatic but wow, this leap was on an entirely different level. Would you like to find out how I experienced leap 6 + tips? I’ll share everything with you below.

There is indeed worse to come

As a rule, Jaxx isn’t much bothered by the leaps. Although he has little trouble with them, we do notice that he is going through them because he is a little less enthusiastic than usual, drinks little less and sleeps a little more or less. But I noticed already for a few weeks that there was a lot going on in his little mind. Welcome to leap 6!

Sleepless nights

From day 1 of leap 6 to the very last day, Jaxx has slept little to not at all at night. Wow! That was quite something… We had become very spoiled by our son who had slept through the nights from the age of 6 weeks and who actually never really woke up at night. Very occasionally is for his pacifier, but he would soon fall asleep again. He was wide awake at night during this entire leap! There was no helping it: crawling, jumping, laughing, dancing, you name it. The nights were one big party. Okay, you think, then he will sleep well during the day. For get about it. That, too, was a drama.

I have to admit: this was tough! I was gutted. And literally, when it said in my app: One more day until the end of the leap, my Prince Charming began to sleep through the night! It was so bizarre.

Taking huge leaps

A great deal has happened in this time. The skills that Jaxx acquired since leap 6.

  • Waving
  • Crawling
  • Understanding words and phrases like his own name, who is it and come here.
  • Sitting on his own
  • Eat bread by himself
  • Lots of babbling Other sounds/words such as daddy, ya-ya, dada
  • Many dreams at night
  • Separation anxiety

"Okay, this may sound very dramatic but wow, this leap was on an entirely different level"

Separation anxiety

As soon as Jaxx was in bed and we left the room, he started to whine a bit but fell asleep eventually. Until he woke up at night. Normally, I would give him his pacifier and the he would continue to sleep. So this is what I gave him now, and as soon as I reached the door to leave the room, he began to scream and wail as if we were the worst parents in the world for leaving their baby behind. What a heartbreaking sound! The first time I was so shocked that I picked him up quickly (so the crying ended within a second!)

After a few nights, it began to dawn on me that it was part of the leap and so I let him cry a bit longer. This made him tired and eventually he fell asleep. There have also been nights when I did pick him up or let him sleep with us. Mostly because we ourselves were totally gutted by the never-ending sleepless nights.

Do what feels right to you

I’ll give you some simple explanations/tips on how we experienced this, but every baby and parent is different, of course. Do whatever feels right for you. We sometimes gave Jaxx an extra bottle at night, which made himfall asleep again, for example. It’s a phase that your little one (and you) have to go through. We can’t do more than help them with that as best we can.

Good luck! 😉

Love, Yentl

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