What struck me was that Jaxx is now able to entertain himself more and more on his own. He can easily play with his toys for fifteen minutes before he looks my way again. We also noticed that he starts to recognize people. He already recognized his grandparents, but now also nieces and nephews or, for example, friends who often come around. It is nice to see that happen!
He also recognizes songs from certain baby programmes that he watches regularly. You notice this because he starts‘ dancing ’when the song starts or then breaks out laughing. As of this leap, he is now also able to stand completely on his own. Often he does not realize it himself but hey, the beginning is there.. He is also increasingly loosing his babyish behavior, bit by bit.. That was quite a stunning realization!
I hope this helps you again. Every child is different, so who knows, it may be very different for you. Any tips from your side? Let me know!
Love, Yentl