Pregnancy Week 15
Up until now, your belly baby was officially called an ‘embryo’, which is the medical term for your little miracle. From this week, the official name is ‘fetus’, which is Latin for ‘child’. This week, your baby will grow tiny fine hairs all over their body. These are called lanugo hairs. The hairs don’t have a function as yet, but in a few weeks, they will do. At that time, baby will cover themselves in a sort of white ‘cream’ to protect the skin against the amniotic fluid. That cream attaches better to the little hairs. Your baby is now 3.98 inches and weighs 2.47 ounces.
To do!
Your body starts producing a different hormone to the one you have been making these past weeks. And your body needs to readjust to that. So, pamper yourself a bit more than usual. Enjoy a facial mask, ask your partner to massage your feet or take a trip to the hairdresser. And even if you feel absolutely fine and don’t notice the hormonal changes, still do nice things for yourself!
Is that your baby?
Some women are very privileged this week because they can feel their baby! This is usually women who have had a baby before so this is not their first pregnancy. There is no guarantee you will feel your baby this week. Sometimes you just need to be patient.
Pregnancy Week 1: Not really pregnant yet
Pregnancy Week 2: The egg is fertilized!
Pregnancy Week 3: Your body produces the hormone HCG
Pregnancy Week 4: Time to take the test
Pregnancy Week 5: Pregnancy ailments: nausea and tiredness
Pregnancy Week 6: Your baby’s heart is beating!
Pregnancy Week 7: Your womb makes room for baby
Pregnancy Week 8: Frequent surprise visits from the Sandman
Pregnancy Week 9: Your breasts prepare for breastfeeding
Pregnancy Week 10: Take supplements for pregnant women
Pregnancy Week 11: You can feel your womb
Pregnancy Week 12: You can hear the heart beating
Pregnancy Week 13: Your body is used to being pregnant
Pregnancy Week 14: The fingers and toes take shape
Pregnancy Week 15: Your baby bump is now a fetus
Pregnancy Week 16: HCG makes way for the hormone progesterone
Pregnancy Week 17: You can do sport, but avoid stomach exercises
Pregnancy Week 18: Belly, bottom, breasts: your body is becoming rounder
Pregnancy Week 19: Have heartburn? Eat healthy snacks
Pregnancy Week 20: Can you feel your baby?
Pregnancy Week 21: Your baby can hear
Pregnancy Week 22: No need to eat for two
Pregnancy Week 23: Your baby is as long as a ruler!
Pregnancy Week 24: Avoid stress and get plenty of rest
Pregnancy Week 25: Your baby has a different sleeping and waking rhythm
Pregnancy Week 26: Round ligament pain - watch your posture
Pregnancy Week 27: Your belly baby is aware of sounds
Pregnancy Week 28: More frequent visits to the midwife
Pregnancy Week 29: Starting to nest
Pregnancy Week 30: Lower back and pelvic discomfort
Pregnancy Week 31: You are sensitive and emotional
Pregnancy Week 32: Your dreams are intense
Pregnancy Week 33: Are you nesting?
Pregnancy Week 34: Maternity leave
Pregnancy Week 35: Has your baby's head engaged?
Pregnancy Week 36: Discharge or amniotic fluid?
Pregnancy Week 37-41: Your baby can be born…!